Thursday, October 26, 2006


Recently, i find a pop singer on line who comes from Caribbean. she is a very good singer with a perfect vioce to us. the favorite song of her is the "Final Goodbye".
yesterday i had been a communication with a MBA on line by QQ . he is a kind guy . don't matter my poor English .. haha . i really thank to him would like to help me ...
i finished my the eighth lesson for the violin .. it is a amazing musical instrument.. believe i like it since i was five.. when i was a little girl i likef useing the chopsticks as a violinist. but my parents had not enough money to pay the high price of lessons . i still i can do the really violin just touch it like a true feeling . when i was 21th birthday . i know even i have enough money , i want to learn it .. so i brough it by the first . at that time i had no teacher , i just want to buy it. and then i find a good teacher in a musical stroe . so many people are they who like the musical .. i really respect my teacher. maybe i can not to be a good performer but a violinist of my fameily . that is enough...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

uncle's trip

my uncle 's fameily came back last week.. he is my papa's old brother. Now his fameily are living in USA. That sounds so good.. i really want to go abroad to the USA. .. that is not so easy to me . i have to past the toefl and at this first i must can apply the so experience price of the examination.. about 1500 RMB. that is a big number to my fameily.. i like freedom in the fresh air and the environment but i have to face up the truth .. i have not enough money to pay for the so high price applications..
however i accept what . i would like to catch the opprotunities all my life. makes life more happness and more well.. don't let my parents do so more hard work .. earn the money by myself as soon as possible..

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

我在上海照的一些照片: 外滩, 上海博物馆。
i took these pictures in shanghai in July 2006.
i think the shanghai museum is a very value to travelling . i saw so many treasures in there that all belong to our great history and civilizations.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Middle Auturn Day

今天是中秋节, 晚上陪家人吃过晚饭后就回家了。。 临到了十二点时, 他发了条短信过来,祝我中秋节快乐, 我早就不奢望他会记得我了。 看到他的短信让我很伤感。。。。
我们总会在经历了苦痛挣扎后才会成长的。。所有难忘的回忆也许都留给了他, 而那也可能只是我单方面的。。。。 也许他的回忆早就留给了比我早到的人。。。 我曾经很幸福过。。

Monday, October 02, 2006


这几天是中国的国庆节, 全国都放假。 其实我在家挺闲的。 老是一个人跑出去逛街, 因为是全国人民都放假, 所以无论是书店还是街上, 到处都是人, 看了就头晕呢。 。。 我就一个人跑到湘江旁去了。这里人少,清静啊。不知为什么 , 我高兴不高兴, 孤单或有人陪时 都喜欢去湘江, 可能我对他有特殊的感情吧。 我总觉得那些日夜不息的河流就是我曾经存在过的证据。 我想证明自己其实很充实, 很有激情的在这个世界上活过。。 所以我喜欢湘江, 而且很依恋它。。 时间流逝

Sunday, October 01, 2006

i still waiting

where are you ? i often asked myself. why you went to so fast . i am not the girl who you will
love strong. i want to prove that i can do it that makes my oral English so well. i catched any chace to practice. i still alone. for shihong and uwe. the two man who had liked me so much but at the end of time they go away from me. i think i will be strong and never fare anythings. like the summer sunshine before that. i am so young and i can face up to everythings that so hard .